Project Status Update - October 2020

Whats this? A new update! Was the last update really a whole year ago!? Ahem..  well yes but a lot has happened since then! 

The project is progressing nicely, although a bit slower than I would have liked, but hey, that's game development for you ;)

Right now the game is in an early alpha stage and I plan to release it here on shortly, for testing purposes. I urge anyone that is interested in the game  to download this alpha, test it and see what you think! 

In this early alpha version, parts of the game will be incomplete. This first version will be a bare bones affair, without any story or missions that guides the player. It will be a kind of "free play" version where the only goal is what you make yourself. Maybe get the best ship and equipment, or make as much credits as you can? The purpose of this early test will be to collect feedback from players about the game, test what gameplay features work and which don't, and hopefully build a community of player that like the game. As development continues, missions and a complete storyline will be added.  

The game uses a difficulty balancing system which makes the game harder as the player moves further out into the universe and this is a tricky thing to balance. I have a first version of it working now but testing takes a lot of time and with only so many hours in the day, player testing and feedback on this would be very useful. 

So I hope you will join me later as the alpha is released! / Wiley

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